Oral Health Promotion Service for Pregnant Woman, Toddler and Preschool Children in Public Hospital in 2009

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สุภาวดี พรหมมา
จันทนา อึ้งชูศักดิ์
ศรีสุดา ลีละศิธร
สุรางค์ เชษฐพฤนท์


The objective of this cross sectional study was to evaluate the oral health promotion program providing the year 2009. The questionnaires were mailed to dental personnel who worked at the district and provincial level in the government hospitals under the MOPH. The activities of oral health promotion and prevention for pregnant women and pre-school children was asked. The response rate was 35.3%. The results showed that after the policy to integrate oral health activities into saiyairakhospital mother and child health program in 2008, 98% of the hospitals provided oral examination and oral health advise to pregnant women and young children. The co-operation between the ANC and WBC, and the oral health unit was improved. The schedule to provide services to the target groups were design together to help targets easily access to care. About 83% of the hospitals set a program to teach pregnant women how to brush their teeth properly. However, most of the training program were verbal advise or showed in the model. At the health center level, oral health examination and advise were provided by non-dental health personnel. Most of the activities in the communities were focus on oral services more than health promotion. It was recommended that hands on practicing of tooth brushing should be done parallel to oral health advise. The non-dental personnel at health center level should be trained for some non-invasive oral health prevention activities such as providing fluoride varnish. The community program should focus on supporting parents to take care their children health.


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พรหมมา ส, อึ้งชูศักดิ์ จ, ลีละศิธร ศ, เชษฐพฤนท์ ส. Oral Health Promotion Service for Pregnant Woman, Toddler and Preschool Children in Public Hospital in 2009. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 9];17(1):50-9. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178213
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