Erosion of synthetic apatite by citric acid added beverages available in Thailand

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พรศรี ปฏิมานุเกษม
ยุทธนา ปัญญางาม


Citric acid is used as flavoring and preservative but some previous studies demonstrated its erosive potential on enamel. The objective is to study the erosive potential of citric acid containing beverages and their dissolution capacity on synthetic apatite. After Citric acid containing beverages (n=23) commercially available in Bangkok, Thailand were selected, the pH was measured by pH meter and the buffer capacity was determined. The concentration of calcium, phosphate and fluoride were determined by Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, visible spectrophotometer and fluoride electrode respectively. The synthetic apatite dissolution was calculated from the amount of phosphate dissolved. Citric acid concentration in beverages was read from the standard citric acid dissolution curve. All correlations were statistically analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation (p<0.05). The results revealed that the pH range of the beverages was 2.91 to 4.40, the mean buffer capacity at pH 5.5 and 7.0 were 32.87±28.55 and 46.09±38.18 µmole of 0.1 M NaOH, the averaged calcium, phosphate and fluoride content were 3.81±0.84, 31.88±26.61 และ  0.067±049 µ g/ml respectively. The amount of dissolved phosphate ranged from 1.06 to 3.26 mg/ml which were equivalent to citric acid 5.21-25.52 mmole/l. The buffer capacity at pH 5.5 and 7.0 showed positive correlation while fluoride showed negative correlation with the erosive potential (p<0.05) whereas the others revealed no correlation. From these data, it was concluded that the studied beverages were erosive and the dissolution ability was equivalent to 5.21-25.52 mmole/l citric acid.


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ปฏิมานุเกษม พ, ปัญญางาม ย. Erosion of synthetic apatite by citric acid added beverages available in Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];15(1):28-36. Available from:
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