Effectiveness of fluoride Varnish in preventing dental caries of primary dentition in 3 year-old children, Nan province

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สมเกียรติ กาญจนสินิทธ์
อัจฉริยา กาญจนสินิทธ์
ณวัฒน์ เดชพุทธวัจน์


The aim of this project was to study the effectiveness of Fluoride Varnish to prevent dental caries in primary dentition of children aged 3 year - old at Nan province. By sampling children 9-12 months who got the health service at 14 health centers divided to study group and control group. The control group who received oral health care instruction , parents received practiced tooth brushing for children, got toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste for using at home every visit since children aged 9-12 months, 18 months , 24 months and 30 months. The study group have received the same service and including apply fluoride varnish , interviewed oral healh care behaviour and dental examined since children aged 9-12 months and 36 months. The results showed there were 203 children who still in this study until 36 months : study group 103 children and control group 100 children. This study found that no dental caries in children aged 9-12 months both study group and control group. In children aged 36 months there was no difference statistical significant between two groups in oral healh care behaviour . The rate of dental caries in study group and control group were 25.2% and 42% , the difference between two groups was statistical significant (p=0.01). The effectiveness in preventing dental caries was 40%. When analyzed in the eruption of upper anterior teeth in first visit that applied fluoride varnish, the result showed that children in study group who had 3-4 upper anterior teeth had less dental caries than children in control group (statistical significant (p=0.01) ). The effectiveness in preventing dental caries was 60%.


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กาญจนสินิทธ์ ส, กาญจนสินิทธ์ อ, เดชพุทธวัจน์ ณ. Effectiveness of fluoride Varnish in preventing dental caries of primary dentition in 3 year-old children, Nan province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];15(1):51-60. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178769
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