The effect of dental health education program on plaque index in psychiatric patients

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สาธกา ธาตรีนรานนท์
สุวรรณี ตุ่มทอง


Psychiatric patients have been known as a high risk for dental diseases, therefore dental health education is essential for this patient group. This quasi-experimental study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of dental health education program on plaque index in psychiatric patients. Thirty psychiatric patients from Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry were recruited to the study. They were interviewed about oral health care behaviors and entered to a dental health education program. In the program patients were educated the knowledge of dental diseases and practicing tooth brushing. The plaque index was measured before and after the program in each patient. The results revealed that 70% of the patients had dental problem and most of the patients did not correctly brush their teeth, inappropriately used the dental hygiene equipment and rarely consulted the dentists. After the dental health education program, the plaque index significantly reduced, compared to plaque index before the program (p<.05). This study was concluded that dental health education program had effect in reducing dental plaque in psychiatric patients.


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ธาตรีนรานนท์ ส, ตุ่มทอง ส. The effect of dental health education program on plaque index in psychiatric patients. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];14(1):20-8. Available from:
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