Brushing habit and oral health care utilization of pre-school children aged 6-36 months

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จันทนา อึ้งชูศักดิ์
สุภาวดี พรหมมา
สุรางค์ เชษฐพฤนท์
สุพรรณี สุคันวรานิล
วิไลลักษณ์ บังเกิดสิงห์


The objectives of this cross sectional study was to investigate the brushing habit of young children aged 6-36 months, their access to oral health care services and whether the oral care were associated with the child's tooth brushing behavior. A sample of 3,602 parents or child care takers from well child care unit in 25 hospitals were interviewed. The results showed that average age that kids were first brushed their teeth was 13.84 (5.66 months. 75.9% of the children used fluoride toothpaste. Percentage of children who were taken care by their mothers were brushed significantly more than children who were taken care by others. The children of 62.6% received oral screening when they came to well child care unit, and 42.7 % of their parents or care takers were advised or trained about how to brush their children's teeth. Only 16.9% of the children received topical fluoride application, and 0.5 and 0.3 % received treatment as filling or extraction respectively. Children who got oral screening started brushing earlier than those who were not screened. It was recommended that oral health promotion program for children who come to well child care unit is an effective intervention that should be continued. The treatment services for caries affected children, particularly tooth filling, should be strengthened.


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อึ้งชูศักดิ์ จ, พรหมมา ส, เชษฐพฤนท์ ส, สุคันวรานิล ส, บังเกิดสิงห์ ว. Brushing habit and oral health care utilization of pre-school children aged 6-36 months. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(1):59-6. Available from:
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