The Performance of Dental Public Health Among Health Personnel at The Health Center in Chaiyaphum Province

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วิราภรณ์ รวิยะวงศ์


This study was a cross-sectional descriptive research. The purposes of this research were to determine the dental public health officers performance who worked at health center in Chaiyaphum province and explained the personal factors, motivation, organization supports. The data were collected from 112 of public health officers by systematic random sampling from 167 health personnel and 10 interviews of purposive selection by key informants of other public health officers. The data were collected during 5 January to 20 February 2009. And analyzed by computer program package to acquire percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this research showed that the motivation was at moderate level, the organizational support was at moderate level and dental public health officers performance was at moderate level. The motivation related to the performance of dental public health among health personnel at the health center in Chaiyaphum province at high positive related level And the organizational supports related to the performance of dental public health among health personnel at the health center in Chaiyaphum province at moderate positive related level. There were three significance variables that predicted the performance of dental public health among health personnel at the health center in Chaiyaphum province such as the factor of policy and management supporters, the factor of successful in work (p-value < 0.001), the organizational supports in budget, three factors could predict the performance of dental public health among health personnel at the health center in Chaiyaphum province at 59.6 percent. The most finding problems and obstacles were the promotion of career, to establish the motivation of task by result based. Moreover, to bring the dental public health concepts to be the criteria of health center


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รวิยะวงศ์ ว. The Performance of Dental Public Health Among Health Personnel at The Health Center in Chaiyaphum Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];14(1):77-8. Available from:
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