Evaluation of Oral Health Promotion and Prevention in School Children Project under National Health Security “Yim (Smile) Sodsai (Bright), Dek Thai (Thai Children) Fun Dee (Healthy Teeth)

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วราภรณ์ จิระพงษา
ปิยะดา ประเสริฐสม


Oral Health Promotion and Prevention in School Children Project under National Health Security “Yim (Smile) Sodsai (Bright), Dek Thai (Thai Children) Fun Dee (Healthy Teeth)” : 2005 - 2007, was a joint project between Dental Health Division (DHD) Department of Health (DOH), and National Health Srcurity Organization (NHSO). This study aimed to evaluate achievement of the project, including expected and unexpected outcome. Data was concluded and analysed from monthly report, anual report, cooperator meeting, and monitoring. The study found that as a vertical program, project had specific characters; clarify target, supportive system, reporting and evaluative system. Management and monitoring system was distinctively improved due to this project. Contract between chief executive officers of Provincial Health Office (PHO) and DoH was the maint key sucess factor (KSF). Certainly, it set up executive commitment to project achievement. Other KSF was setting up cooperative committee that consisted of cooperator in provincial, regional, and central level with clearly mandate and effective connection. In 2005-2006, project was mostly achieved. It can delivered oral health promotion and prevention that were full-mouth examination to the first grade and the third grade students, sealant to the first grade students, and after-lunch tooth brushing in primary school. These activities were decreased in 2007, according to financial system rearrangement. However, project made mainly impact to provincial oral health care system in 4 aspects : information system for service delivery, skill development for oral health personnel, mechanism improvement in health quality service, and oral health network empowerment. Last but not least, caries-affected percent of the third grade students in 2007 who had recieved sealant were only half of the student who had not sealed. This project was one of the best practice model for vertical program. It was not only increased coverage of oral examination and sealant to prevent dental caries in school children, but also was the first step of development for integrated oral health care in school children. What to do next, is to develope oral health care system that conform with routine services for school children, and oral health promotion activities in school.


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จิระพงษา ว, ประเสริฐสม ป. Evaluation of Oral Health Promotion and Prevention in School Children Project under National Health Security “Yim (Smile) Sodsai (Bright), Dek Thai (Thai Children) Fun Dee (Healthy Teeth). Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];13(5):85-96. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/179411
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