Model Development of decreased consuming program in primary school : case study in Trang Province

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อาภาพรรณี เขมวุฒิพงษ์


The purpose of this study were to study ways to create a less sweet consuming movement among primary schools and to examine the amount of sugar consumption of students. To process this examination, 1035 out of all three to four graders were selected from three different primary schools in semester of 2548. The research performance was done by applying movement strategy, learning theory and evaluation technique to this study. In early, movement activity was performed which 582 students participated by sending a story under a topic “why ants do not have teeth”. In advance, this activity was expanded and gained 5644 members from friends and family network. Following by movement activity was the process of behavior modification using learning theory. After run a sweetness consuming test, empirical data shown that the average of sweetness consuming was 21.04 teaspoon per person per day. Other activities to serve this process were a competition running by drinking plain milk which maximum was 106 bags, activities to improve potential and knowledge base in order to support a behavior modification and also by reading package labels which yoghurt package was most read and second was snack's package including setting a stage to exchange ideas including training and summarizing media into 62 pictures of an oral care. Finally, a monitoring activity was held by recording an eating schedule. Within a week, 38.8% of students who consumed sweetness more than twice a day were recorded. Good Bank of less sweet consuming has indicated that in five months there were 46.73% of students who consumed sweetness at least once a day and from random test found that sweetness was consumed at average of 15.89 teaspoon per student per day. Two years later, activities were extended by integrating with school main activities and with Thai Children Can Do Project which displayed by school and supported by Department of Health in which knowledge base and media were provided. Also more activities were held to motivate students and to examine sweetness consuming in order to monitor this study. As a result, these series of activities affected students' behavior in consuming sweetness from 21.04 teaspoon per student per day in semester of 2548 to 13.32 teaspoon per student per day in semester of 2550.


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เขมวุฒิพงษ์ อ. Model Development of decreased consuming program in primary school : case study in Trang Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];13(4):79-8. Available from:
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