Factors Related to Quality of Life in Oral Health Aspect of The Elderly in Samutprakhan Province.

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ชลธิชา พุทธวงษ์นันทน์


The purpose of this study was to find relationship between influencing factors and the quality of life in the oral health aspect of the elderly in the out patient department of the general and community hospitals in Samutprakhan province. Data was collected from 433 elderly aged 60 or more who walked in the hospital during 3-7 March 2008 by using interview questionnaires and examined oral health status. Quality of life in dental health aspect (QOLDHA) of the elderly considered from good dental health status with having 20 or more natural functional teeth, without periodontal pocket in every sextants and had workable teeth at least 4-pairs of posterior functional teeth. Percentage, mean, chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used for analyzing the data. The results showed that 2 in 3 elderly were age group 60-69 year, 19% had been studied higher than secondary school, 9.7% occupation before retire were governor. 68% had been received oral health education, haft of them from TV. 87.5% had systemic disease and 74.36% have been hypertension and / or diabetes mellitus. 69.2% had good oral health knowledge, 11.2% had good attitude towards oral health care behaviors and 84.8% had good oral health care behaviors. Mean number of natural functional teeth of the sample was 15.49. 37% was found to have at least 20 natural functional teeth, 40% had 4-pairs or more of posterior occlusion, and 24% had periodontal pocket and 34.2% had “good quality of life in oral health aspect.” Relationship finding between level of QOLDHA with factors when considered on each one factor at one time by chi-square analysis found that were not statistically significant correlated. When considered multifactor included in analysis the result found that only 2 factors of occupation before retire and have been hypertension and /or diabetes mellitus were statistically significant correlated.


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พุทธวงษ์นันทน์ ช. Factors Related to Quality of Life in Oral Health Aspect of The Elderly in Samutprakhan Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 May 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];13(3):7-19. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/208802
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