The retention of sealed teeth of the students in third grade primary school, after 3 years of mobile sealant project in Ranong province, 2007.

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ศุภนิจ ชาญวานิชพร


The objective of this study was to evaluate the retention of sealed teeth and prevalence of dental caries in first molar of the student in third grade primary school, after 3 years of mobile sealant project in Ranong province. The samples were 130 students, from 34 schools by proportional stratified random sampling. The result found that, after 3 years, percentage of complete, partial and missed sealed teeth in first molar was 52.11%, 7.32% and 28.73% respectively. Percentage of caries teeth was 11.83 %. Prevalence of dental caries in first molar between sealed and non-sealed student groups after 3 years was 21.50% and 41.50%. Mean DMFT in first molar between sealed and non-sealed student groups was significant different in statistic. Odd ratio of non-sealed teeth were 2.95 times higher among dental caries than without dental caries. The result of this study leading to recommendation that the sealant project should be continued with the skill training for the operators.


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ชาญวานิชพร ศ. The retention of sealed teeth of the students in third grade primary school, after 3 years of mobile sealant project in Ranong province, 2007. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2008 May 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];13(3):63-71. available from:
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