The qualitative sealants comparison of dental clinic and mobile clinic among primary school children in Nakhonsawan

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ประภาศรี วลัญช์เสถียร


This study compared retention of sealants which were done in dental clinics and mobile clinics among first grade children from 12 districts in Nakhonsawan province. The study examined 16,824 teeth from 7,010 childrent. The result showed that, after 6 months, among dental clinics sealants and mobile clinic sealants were significant difference in completely retained (t-test = 8.9 ; p-value < 0.05). Dental clinic sealants offered in 10 districts yield an average 80.63% completely retained with the works in Krokpra district exhibiting the highest rate (95.60%). Mobile clinic sealants offered in 2 districts showed an average completely retained of 57.11% with high completely retained of 76.17%; partially retained of 13.43%; and missing retained of 10.40%. The lower completely retained from mobile clinic sealants may arise from lower efficiency of the mobile equipment units and field personnels relative to the one of dental clinic sealants. Despite lower completely retained, mobile clinic sealants services were important strategic measures which provided higher accessibility for oral healthcare to less-opportunistic children, which could reduce their prevalence of caries in general.


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วลัญช์เสถียร ป. The qualitative sealants comparison of dental clinic and mobile clinic among primary school children in Nakhonsawan. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 May 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];13(3):106-13. Available from:
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