Evaluation of dietary behavior changing which related to dental caries of pre-school children in pre-school children development center Tumbol Lumsai, Lumlukka District, Pathumthani Province.

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มาลี วันทนาศิริ


The objective of this study was to evaluate dietary behavior changing which related to dental caries of 113 pre-school children in pre-school children development center of Tumbol Lumsai. Qualitative data was collected by participatory observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Quantitative data was collected from pre-school children's dietary behavior changing and compared between before and after activities. The dietary behavior changing was composed of 3-step programs : [1] Surveying of pre-school children dietary behavior and presentation data to stakeholder and designing behavior changing model. [2] Developing competency of stakeholder by a study trip and training about nutrition. [3] Proceeding behavior changing model. The results of this study showed that stakeholders participated in the pre-school behavior changing. Lumsai Subdistrict Administrative Organization accepted policy ‘No soft drink and No snacks' and supported more budget of lunch for pre-school children. Pre-school children development center could managed health promoting environment by cooking lunch with vegetable everyday, monitoring children for eating more vegetable and less snack comsumption. Therefore pre-school children had more proper dietary behaviors. The number of children who drank fresh milk everyday increased from 47.9 % up to 88.5 %, cancelled drinking soft drink increased from 34.4 % up to 71.9 %, cancelled eating snacks increased from 16.7 % up to 63.5 %, and ate more fruit and vegetables (3-4 days per week] increased from 10.4 % up to 59.4 %.


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วันทนาศิริ ม. Evaluation of dietary behavior changing which related to dental caries of pre-school children in pre-school children development center Tumbol Lumsai, Lumlukka District, Pathumthani Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];13(2):7-19. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/209806
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