The Participatory Healthy Policy Formulation : No carbonated soft drinks, candies and unhealthy snacks in Primary School, Phrae Province.

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สุขจิตตรา วนาภิรักษ์


The objective of this research was to study the process of participatory healthy policy formulation : no carbonated soft drinks, candies and unhealthy snacks in 28 primary schools, Phrae Province. The design was quantitative study and qualitative study. The quantitative data of snacks consumption behavior were collected from 600 children aged group 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 years old. This data were used as the baseline data for schools. Qualitative data were collected from key actors about the views, concepts and values. It was found that the process of participatory policy formulation could perform by key actors such as school administrators, teachers, students and health workers. The key actors were trained about participatory action program. The role of Provincial Public Health were provincial advocacies, technical and budget support. The success of policy formulation were 9 schools in 1st year, 12 schools in 2 nd year and 28 schools in 3 rd year. The key successful factors were 1) baseline data for problem identification 2) the capacity building about community participation technic in key actors 3) technical support and empowerment evaluation from health workers 4) the policy implementation via school based curriculum, teaching and learning ; school organization and environment about restriction of unhealthy snacks and promotion of healthy food and snacks; parental and community participation.


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วนาภิรักษ์ ส. The Participatory Healthy Policy Formulation : No carbonated soft drinks, candies and unhealthy snacks in Primary School, Phrae Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(2):20-32. Available from:
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