Application of the Learning and Self - Efficacy Theories on Gingivitis Prevention Behavior among Primary School Students of Nonthaburi Province.

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สุมาลี อรุณรัตนดิลก
เรณู คําชุม


Gingivitis is one of the important public health problems and is a major cause of tooth loss. So, the researcher applied the learning and self-efficacy theories into oral health education program in order to assess the ability to reduce gingivitis problem in schoolchildren. This study was quasi - experimental research. The objective was to study the effectiveness of oral health education program to gingivitis reducing behaviors in primary school students of Nonthaburi province. The total number of sample size was 120 students, studying in grade 6 of primary school, equally divided into 2 groups including the experimental and control group in which Watchalermprakiet and Chumchonwatsaima school respectively. Collecting data used in this research including a questionnaire, a note of community periodontal index, a note of hygiene analysis index, a note of brushing teeth, and a questionnaire of the sense after using toothpicks. The data was collected into 3 phases including before experiment, between experiment, and after experiment in the total period of 3 months from June to August 2007. The statistics were used by descriptive statistics including frequency and percentage, and analysis statistics including Paired Sample t-test, Independent Sample t-test, and Proportion test (Z-test). The result was found that the oral health education program could change the behaviors of knowledge, attitude, and the true practice of the samples in gingivitis prevention and caries more than before joining in the program significantly at the level of 0.05. These findings can be applied for the supportive acts of primary school in order to reduce the gingivitis problem and promote the oral health better.


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อรุณรัตนดิลก ส, คําชุม เ. Application of the Learning and Self - Efficacy Theories on Gingivitis Prevention Behavior among Primary School Students of Nonthaburi Province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2008 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];13(2):33-45. available from:
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