The Crucial Factors in achieving a Project of Supporting Dental Care for Children in the Child Care Development Centre at Chaiyaphum.

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นิติโชติ นิลกําแหง
ฐิฏิญา สิทธิวงศ์
ปณิสรา ปรีบุญพูล


The aim of this project is to study the essential factors that would lead to the successful support of the dental care of the children in the child care development centre at Chaiyaphum province. The knowledge obtained from this work will be useful for dentists and other people involved with the dental unit to improve the quality of dental care for the children. There are 32 people involved with this project including dentists, public health officers, nurses, the staff of of community health centre and the children's caretakers in the centre. A storytelling method has been used in the process of knowledge management. It was found that there were three factors leading to in the process of achievement of the support of dental care for the children. The first factor was the qualifications and ability of the staff (65.6%), including having knowledge of dental care, being able to cooperate with people in the community and the ability to take responsibility for the assigned job. The second factor was having an unambiguous policy for the work as well as supportive equipment (15.6%), for example, the administrator of the policy should place the dental care project in high priority and had the appropriate criteria for determining that it would succeed at the child care development centre. The final factor was that the project should be well planned and that the people involved in the project should be motivated (18.8%). In conclusion, the major factor in achieving the support of dental care for the children was the ability of staff to cooperate with the people in the community.


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นิลกําแหง น, สิทธิวงศ์ ฐ, ปรีบุญพูล ป. The Crucial Factors in achieving a Project of Supporting Dental Care for Children in the Child Care Development Centre at Chaiyaphum. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];13(1):7-15. Available from:
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