Community Participation in Health and Oral health Promotion in Primary School Students, Ban Nafang, Tambon Satharn, Amphure Pua, Nan.

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มยุเรศ เกษตรสินสมบัติ


Health and oral health promotion in primary school students had been conducted in schools only. It was found that there were some health problems which could not be solved. The objective of this study was to study community participation which impacted in health and oral health promotion in Ban Nafang. The study was conducted as Participation Action Research (PAR). The results of the study showed that, the community concerned in health and oral health problems of children and tried to find out for solution of the problems. The community had its health policies to create appropriate environment and helped the children to develop their health behaviors. The malnourished children in March 2005, September 2005 and September 2006 in Ban Nafang school were decreased from 11.1% to 3.33 % and 2.13 % respectively. Since, there may be many relevant factors which could not be identified from this study. The community participation was one of those related impacted factors. However, this particular study has nity to be proud of its involvement in all the relevant steps: problem investigating, finding a solution and following up health care procedures which were adopted by team and would strengthen community in order to promote any other health issues concerned.


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เกษตรสินสมบัติ ม. Community Participation in Health and Oral health Promotion in Primary School Students, Ban Nafang, Tambon Satharn, Amphure Pua, Nan. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];13(1):63-75. Available from:
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