Caries risk and sealant's retention among sealed teeth in mobile dental clinic.

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บานเย็น ศิริสกุลเวโรจน์
สุกัญญา เธียรวิวัฒน์


The objective of this study was to describe relationship between caries and sealant retention. The data was collected during 2003-2005. The study design was follow - up study from the day sealant was applied by dental nurse in mobile dental unit at school. The examinations were done every 6 months over a period of 30 months among 206 first grade primary school children from 11 schools in 6 Contracting Unit of Primary care in Songkhla. The sealant retention was divided into three stages : full retention, partial retention and total loss of sealant. The result showed that the loss of sealant retention was highest in first 6 months with 32.8 %. Trend of sealant loss was decreased by time. The Percentage of sealant loss were 12.4, 13.8, 6.4 and 3.9 during the intervals 6-12, 12-18, 18-24 and 24-30 months, respectively. Caries risk of partial sealant retention teeth was 2.8 times higher than teeth with total loss of sealant. Whereas full sealant retention teeth presented 0.4 times of risk or 2.5 times of preventive effect against teeth with total loss of sealant. The result from this study was suggested an urgent need to improve effectiveness of sealant program both performance and monitoring system.


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ศิริสกุลเวโรจน์ บ, เธียรวิวัฒน์ ส. Caries risk and sealant’s retention among sealed teeth in mobile dental clinic. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];13(1):131-40. Available from:
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