Oral health promotion network development in pre-school children in 4 schools In Muang District, Nakorn Rajchasima Province.

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พรรณี ผานิตานันท์


Objectives The objective of this action research was to learn the process and outcome of developing oral health promotion network to support oral health activities in pre-school children. The study was done in 4 schools in Muang District, Nakorn Rajchasima Province. Methods There were 4 steps of network development as followed the AIC process : 1) Collecting of baseline data 2) Development of network 3) Monitoring / co network development 4) Evaluation of outcome. The partners in network consist of 20 school teachers, 103 parents and 2 dental personnel. This group worked together for 16 months during December 2005 - March 2007. Results Based on the evidence based of oral status and risk behaviors of the children, and the AIC process of action, the network can be formed in those 4 schools. Working together as a network, the result showed the better oral status and the reduction of risk behaviors. It was concluded that 7 factors that helped network formulation were 1) A common and clear objective 2) Evidence based data, both oral status and risk behaviors 3) Clear rolls & functions of each partner 4) Ownerships 5) Understanding knowledge on this issue 6) Effective communication 7) Technical coaching. It was suggested that further study to understand the factors effected to long lasting of this program is needed.


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ผานิตานันท์ พ. Oral health promotion network development in pre-school children in 4 schools In Muang District, Nakorn Rajchasima Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];12(3):7-17. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/211037
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