The assessment of the Dental Health Promotion Project in Early Childhood in Chiangmai for the year 2003-2005.

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รักชนก นุชพ่วง
อัมพร เดชพิทักษ์


The assessment of the Dental Health Promotion Project in Early Childhood, “Mae Look Fun Dee 102 Pee Som Dej Ya”, in Chiangmai area for the year 2003-2005, was conducted via the following activities. Mothers with 2 - 3 years old child, who have associated in the project during the year 20032004, were interviewed about the conducting dental health prevention activities, compared with those who were not in the project. The oral status of the children of the same groups was examined by dental team responsible for the promotion of dental health in pregnant woman and children in early chilhood, in nine community hospitals in Chiangmai province. The total numbers of mothers and children involved in these activities were 414 pairs, in which 193 pairs were of the mothers and children who associated with the project during the year 2003-2004, and 221 pairs who did not. The assessment results indicated that those associated to the project conducted better dental health care activities, e.g. milk and food feeding behavior, teeth brushing technique and dental health checking, with 0.05 statistical significances. The caries free in 2 - 3 years old children whose mothers joining the project were 63.7%, compared to 45.7 of the other group. The children who had mothers associated with the project also significantly had better caries free than the other group. In conclusion, it is apparent from this assessment that the activities promoting a good dental health care in pregnant woman and children in early childhood, such as those found in the “Mae Look Fun Dee 102 Pee Som Dej Ya”, led to a better dental health promotion behavior of mothers, and increasing number of caries free in children. The cooperation between the dental health care activities with the general health care promotion in both hospitals and health stations should therefore be further supported in order to cover a larger number of populations. The scope and practical aspects of each project though should be appropriately adjusted according to the different local environments and parameters.


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นุชพ่วง ร, เดชพิทักษ์ อ. The assessment of the Dental Health Promotion Project in Early Childhood in Chiangmai for the year 2003-2005. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];12(3):40-5. Available from:
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