A two-year evaluation of pit and fissure sealant of first permanent molars in school-based program (Yimsodsai Dekthaifundee) in Sukhothai province during 2005-2007.
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The objectives of this study were to evaluate 2- year retention of fissure sealant in first molars operated by dental nurses and to compare caries rate of sealed and unsealed first molars in school-based program of Sukhotai province. 1323 grade 1 student in 2005 academic year who received fissure sealant on their first molar(s) were examined to investigate the sealant retention and caries status. There were 2193 sealed teeth with 65.4% coverage 2.53 sealed teeth/person. 36.02% of sealants were completely retained. 15% were partially retained and 48.97% were missing. The caries rate was highest (23.46%) in the totally missing sealed teeth. There was statistical significant difference (p<0.05) between caries rate of the sealed teeth (14.54%) compare to unsealed teeth (19.15%). The study revealed positive relationship between the amount sealed teeth by each dental nurse and the caries rate (p<0.01). Capacity building and 6 month recall to check and reapply for the absent of sealant were essential to improve the effectiveness of the program.
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