The effectiveness of dental pit and fissure sealant program in primary school children in Kamphaengphet Province.

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ขวัญชัย คันธมธุรพจน์


The objective of this study was to compare the dental caries rate and mean of tooth decay, missing, filling between primary school children involved in dental pit and fissure sealant program and primary school children not involved in the program after the period of 20 months. The samples were the first level of primary school children who had good permanent teeth with complete eruption of four teeth of first permanent molars teeth. The total number of sample size was 600, equally divided into 2 groups. The first group was involved in dental pit and fissure sealant program while the other group was not involved in the program. After 20 months of program period, the samples involved in the program were examined to find out the status of tooth decay, missing, and filling as well as retention of sealant rate. The samples not involved in the program were examined to find out only the status of tooth decay, missing, and filing. T-test and Chi-Square test were applied to analyze data. The study found that caries rate of group with sealant was 29.67 percent while caries rate of group without sealant was 37.33 percent. The difference between two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The study result also showed the mean of tooth decay, missing, filling and standard deviation of group with sealant (0.50 and +0.89), and group without sealant (0.73 and +1.17). The difference between two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). To sum up, the dental pit and fissure sealant program was effective among the primary school children. The study result could be applied in other dental pit and fissure sealant program to achieve the effectiveness and objective of the program.


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คันธมธุรพจน์ ข. The effectiveness of dental pit and fissure sealant program in primary school children in Kamphaengphet Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];12(2):7-16. Available from:
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