The Development of Networking for Health Promotion in Preschool Children.

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พัชรินทร์ เล็กสวัสดิ์
อู๊ด ปินตาเครือ
อรุณศักดิ์ ปัญญายืน
อําไพ ตันตาปกุล


The Tambon Administration Organization is a responsible organization to support health promotion in preschool children. It needs to be implemented by applying the community empowerment principle. In order to do this, initiating community participation, developing networking and creating healthy policies are necessary. The objective of this research was to study the process of developing a network health promotion for preschool children. The design was a descriptive study. Qualitative data were collected from four shifts of day-care center committee members, eight members of the Tambon Administrative Organization, ten parents of preschool children who attended a day-care center and two cooks at five day-care centers in Ban Sadet, Amphur Muang, Lampang province. Results and Discussion: the development of community participation for health promotion in preschool children by using social networks in fourteen villages, which included members of families, relatives and local leader in the villages. The key persons were the village headmen, women leaders, nannies, and parents. The day-care center committee had supported and managed activities such as Children's Day. Dialogues and meetings among parents were the main methods to assess and make the real needs of the villagers known to the members of Tambon Administrative Organization. The Tambon Administrative Organization was able to allocate a budget to build new buildings in four day-care centers. The local leaders asked outside communities to contribute funds for the buildings such as Lampang Provincial Administrative Organization and Mae Moug Electric Power Company. The Tambon Administrative Organization supported healthy snacks, lunch and non-sweet milk for five years (2000-2005). The parents trust in the nannies was important to support co-operation and sustain the health promotion program. They have trained children to consume fruit and vegetables; do tooth brushing exercises, toilet practice, go to sleep at regular times, exercise including controlling snack consumption.


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เล็กสวัสดิ์ พ, ปินตาเครือ อ, ปัญญายืน อ, ตันตาปกุล อ. The Development of Networking for Health Promotion in Preschool Children. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];12(1):7-26. Available from:
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