Dental erosion among swimmers and the prevention.

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จันทนา ถึงชูศักดิ


Dental erosion has been defined as a superficial loss of dental hard tissue by a chemical process caused by acid source including chlorinated swimming pool water, trichloroisocyanuric acid and chlorine gas. The critical pH level is 5.5 and lower. Swimming athletes are identified as high risk group because of their long exposure time. To prevent dental erosion among swimmers, it is recommended that pH of pool water should be monitored everyday. The standard pH value according to the Ministry of Public Health regulation is 7.2 - 8.4. Individual mouth guard may be used for individual prevention. Swimmers should observe general hygiene of swimming pool, pool chemical report, and the symptom of tooth sensitivity or eye irritation for early detection.


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ถึงชูศักดิ จ. Dental erosion among swimmers and the prevention. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];9(1-2):103-8. Available from:
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