Articles A Study of Consumer behaviors : the Use of Toothpaste and Tooth - brushing in Children.

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พรพรรณ สุนทรธรรม
วีรวรรณ แตงแก้ว
วรานุช จิตประไพ
วิกุล วิสาลเสสถ์
สุรัตน์ มงคลชัยอรัญญา
พวงทอง ผู้กฤตยาคามี


This study is a part of the safety and risk assessment from the use of fluoride toothpaste in children project. The objectives are to study consumer behaviors on the use of toothpaste and tooth-brushing practice in children. This is to assess the risk of excessive fluoride intake in children from fluoride toothpaste and the consumer behaviors as a factor for considering fluoride concentration in toothpaste. This study was conducted by interviewing parents or guardians with the designed questionnaire, Samples were drawn according to their residents in Bangkok area or 4 provinces representing 4 regions of the North, Central, Northeast and South. In each province samples were chosen from 2 districts - Muang and a district except Muang. Data was processed by computer statistical programs of QPSS and SPSS. The test of association between variables was Chi-square (x) with the level of significance (a) at 0.05. Altogether there were 2,750 respondents. Results revealed types of toothpaste that children used were child toothpaste, adult toothpaste and powder type. There was 67.96% children used child toothpaste and 28.37% used adult toothpaste. Type of toothpaste used was associated with age of children and parents' income, education and occupation. The convenience of buying child toothpaste was associated to resident area. About fifty percents (50.67%) of guardians stated tooth-brushing in children less than 6 years old was supervised every time of brushing activity. Percentages of children used toothpaste per one brushing activity with the amount of little and one-third of brush length were 34.66 and 17.23 respectively. Children 51.26% consumed fluoride supplement of which higher percentages were found in Bangkok area. Guardian got information on oral health care from TV representing 76.44%, from radio broadcasting 35.6% and from newspaper 38.87%. Channel of information gained was associated to education level of the guardians. Most of the respondents representing 88.25% read label on a toothpaste package before buying it. The study revealed that though child toothpaste was available in the market everywhere but some children did not use it. There were many factors associated with the use or advocate the public of the proper oral care in young children by the guardians. The label on the toothpaste package is likely to be another effective channel to educate the guardians about children tooth-brushing practice.


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สุนทรธรรม พ, แตงแก้ว ว, จิตประไพ ว, วิสาลเสสถ์ ว, มงคลชัยอรัญญา ส, ผู้กฤตยาคามี พ. Articles A Study of Consumer behaviors : the Use of Toothpaste and Tooth - brushing in Children. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2003 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];8(1-2):7-19. available from:
Original Article


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