Articles Core Package for Oral Health Care on Universal Coverage Policy, Thailand.

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วีระศักดิ์ พุทธาศรี
จันทนา อึ้งชูศักดิ์
ปิยะฉัตร พัชรานุฉัตร


The purposes of this study were to review knowledge, concepts and experiences of the core package for oral health care, and to recommend the proper core package for oral health care in Thai context, which was applicable and fit with needs of the oral health care. The study was conducted by reviewing literature, evaluating sample province and stakeholders' opinon discussing.

Results of the study, number of dental patients had increased in Pathumthani, sample province, since the Universal Coverage policy started. Tooth filling, scaling, and extraction had raised 25.3%, 25.1%, and 16.2% respectively. However, waiting list or queue was also increased for instant, there were 164 dental substitution cases and 136 root canal treatment cases in February 2002. The focus group discussion of providers found that there were some problems of policy implementation such as unclear definition of package, increase in the number of patients, and management. The focus group discussion of consumers, another side, demanded for kinds of services, which could alleviate pains and restore ability of chewing. Delphi stakeholders meeting prioritized all of services into three groups. There were three alternative concepts of the package establishment: Full Treatment Need, Treatment Need with some conditions, and Treatment Need by age groups. These options were subject to budget, manpower and capacity of services. This research may contribute to improve oral health care service. However, it's needed to have further studies such as, cost of services, public-private mixed service, consumers' behavior, etc.


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How to Cite
พุทธาศรี ว, อึ้งชูศักดิ์ จ, พัชรานุฉัตร ป. Articles Core Package for Oral Health Care on Universal Coverage Policy, Thailand. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2003 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];8(1-2):20-3. available from:
Original Article


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