Articles The Relationships Between Individualistic Factors of Parents, Socio-cultural Factors and Oral Health Care Related Behavior of Parents of 0-5 Year-old-children.

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หฤทัย สุขเจริญโกศล
ปิยะนารถ จาติเกตุ
ศศิธร ไชยประสิทธิ์
พีระศักดิ์ มะลิแก้ว


The purpose of this research was to study the relationships between the individualistic factors of parents, socio-cultural factors and the oral health care behavior of 0-5 year-old-children. This study was carried out among 140 parents from 4 child care centers in On Klang subdistrict, Mae On district , Chiang Mai province, using an interview questionnaire for parents, oral health and general health status record forms. The associations analyzed by using Chi-square test and Fisher's Exact test. The results showed that individualistic factors of parents which is related to personal hygiene of parents were statistically significantly associated with oral health care related behavior of parents; oral health care behavior (p=0.02), care behavior on food consumption (p=0.02) and care behavior on child cleanliness (p=0.002). In addition, it was found that a socio-cultural factors related to the type of family (if a family was either nuclear or extended) was statistically significantly associated with parental behavior in taking care child's displine (p=0.048).


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สุขเจริญโกศล ห, จาติเกตุ ป, ไชยประสิทธิ์ ศ, มะลิแก้ว พ. Articles The Relationships Between Individualistic Factors of Parents, Socio-cultural Factors and Oral Health Care Related Behavior of Parents of 0-5 Year-old-children. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2003 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(1-2):38-49. available from:
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