Oral health Inequity in Thai experience.

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เพ็ญแข ลาภยิ่ง


This documentary research aimed to explore oral health inequity in Thai context and to preliminarily examine its existence. Related literatures and previous documents focused on health and oral health equity and utilization were critical reviewed and analyzed between April- June 2003. Inequities on oral health were defined in five areas: utilization the service, benefit package of insurance schemes, expenditure, dental and population ratios and oral health status. The results were as following.

Controlling the influence of age, people in urban areas, Civil Servant Medical Beneficiaries and high social stratification utilized services of tooth preservation and out-of-pocket paid higher than other groups. Among insurance schemes, there are evidently differences on benefit package, budget, and payment mechanism. The differences may be major obstacle in improving equity on utilization.

Countrywide public oral health programme in primary school can equitably improve only access to the service in children aged 12 but their inequitable pattern of oral health status among areas is still similar to adult group. Adult people in urban, CSMBS and high social stratification have greater caries experiences but lower untreated decay tooth and lower periodontal needs.

Infrastructures and accessibility of the service have been formerly affected by inequitable allocation of oral health resource in the past. Central and local governments inequitably invested in oral health which municipalities gained greater budget than sanitary and rural areas, as well as the distribution dental personnel.

Recommendations on information system, benefit package adjustment, regulation and collective financing, and community participation are drawn from the findings. accessibility, benefit package, health insurance,


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ลาภยิ่ง เ. Oral health Inequity in Thai experience. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2002 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];7(2):78-93. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/213095
Review Article


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