Child Caretaker's Practice and Dental Caries in Young Children.

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วรางคณา อินทโลหิต
สลิตา อุประ
รสสุคนธ์ พานศรี


The objective of this study was to find out a child raising practice of child caretakers related to dental caries of young children. The practice involved practice on child raising, milk and confectionery consumption of children, and dental cleansing. The study was conducted in 2 villages of 1-5 years old children were in-deep interviewed and participated in a focus group discussion. Results showed that most children had dental caries. The practice of child caretakers was different between caries free children and caries affected children. The raising practice of caries-free-children caretakers were; weaning not over 1.5 years of age, taking meals 3 time a day, drinking milk was regarded as a supplementary (but not more than 2 packs a day) and drinking water or rinsing their mouths afterwards. Confectionery was taken some time and limited pocket money of children not more than 5 baht per day. Tooth brushing started when a child had 2-4 teeth in his mouth by caretakers 2 time a day (morning and evening). While those caries-children caretakers were; late weaning period of 2-4 years and children slept with bottle-milk at bedtime. Sweetened milk was taken more than 3 packs a day added with other sweetened drinks such as drinking yoghurt. Children spent 20-40 baht per day for candies, chewing gum, small packed instant noodle and confectionery, which were eaten as frequently as they liked. These children ate less at meal. Some possible factors related to different practice of caretakers were attitudes towards dental caries in milk tooth, home economics and real experince. Others were environment in a community such as available nearby kiosks, neighboring children, social psychological factor, knowledge and perception on dental caries of their siblings. The results were fruitful for dental personnel to develope an oral health promotion program for young children in a community more appropriate and effective.


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อินทโลหิต ว, อุประ ส, พานศรี ร. Child Caretaker’s Practice and Dental Caries in Young Children. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2002 Jun. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];7(1):56-69. Available from:
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