The Evaluation of Dental Health Surveillance Program in Primary schools in Phrae province.

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สุขจิตตรา วนาภิรักษ์


The objective of the evaluation of Dental Health Surveillance Program (DHSP) in primary school in Phrae Province was to evaluate the effectiveness and to study the determinant factors to the operation. Quantitative - approach data were collected by observational questionnaires in 296 primary schools. 7 selected primary schools were evaluated by using qualitative approach, focus group discussion and indepth interview.

It was found that 15.5% of schools had good total activities' scores, 66.9% had moderate scores and 17.6% had low scores. Among school dental activities, most of the primary schools conducted oral examination, tooth brushing after lunch and dental health education. Other activities being conducted at a lower percentage were oral examination by class teachers, tooth brushing by levels of gingivitis, dental health education by district health officers and dental personnel, using oral health status data of students in solving dental health problems by school health teachers, informing parents about students' oral health status and controlling candies or sugary snacks in school.

The most important factors that determined DHSP activities were the school administrators who had a clear dental health policy especially about controlling sweet taking. The program should be managed by teachers' team. Other factors were the health officers and dental personnel did not understand the concept of DHSP, the criteria of oral examination and tooth brushing by level of gingivitis model were too difficult. District health officers and dental personnel still acted as the provider more than the health promotor and supportor.


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วนาภิรักษ์ ส. The Evaluation of Dental Health Surveillance Program in Primary schools in Phrae province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2000 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];5(1-2):7-19. Available from:
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