Use of fluoride tablets in primary schools after 4 years implementation.

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สุรัตน์ มงคลชัยอรัญญา
อังศนา ฤทธิ์อยู่


This study aims at evaluating the project “Use of fluoride tablets in primary school” after 4 years of implementation focusing on the coverage of children and how the project is implemented. Samples are drawn from 4 provinces namely Samut Prakan, Ratchburi, Trad and Pang-Nga using multistage sampling technique. Totally samples are 1,245 children, 41 teachers, 4 dental nurses from Provincial Health Office and 8 dental personnel from Community hospitals. Instruments used are 4 tested interview guidelines. Findings show that children aged 6-14 years old, averages 8.93 years old. Children 91.4 % have knowledge that fluoride prevents dental decay. Percentages of children taking fluoride tablets in 4 provinces range 93 -97, on average are 95.2. Among these 66.6 % have fluoride tablets every school day, 35.8 % and 41.6 % have taken tablets for 2 and 3 years and more respectively. Children 69.3 % chew/swish the tablets before swallow. 38.9 % are given the tablets by class/student leaders and 85.9 % like to take the tablets because of its taste and usefulness. 96.1% use fluoride toothpaste. Teachers' interviews show that nearly all of them are trained before starting the project. Most of responsible teachers allocate fluoride tablets to classroom teachers and later the class/student leaders will be assigned to give tablets to other children. Most of teachers have good knowledge on fluoride except the symptom and treatment of acute toxicity of fluoride over dose. They state that use of fluoride tablets in primary schools is easy to manage. Problems found are that teachers are confused with various size and color of fluoride tablets. Some say they got too much amount of fluoride tablets. Dental personnel's interview reveal that 2 provinces allocate fluoride tablets through Office of Education at provincial and district level while the others allocate through Community hospitals and health centers. Monitoring tool is the teachers' monthly report used in 3 provinces. Besides, school visits are done 1-2 times a year by health team. It is suggested that the dental team at provincial and district level should pay attention more on monitoring and preparation for the evaluation its impact on oral health. It is also suggested that the fluoride tablets package should be packed in a smaller size.


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มงคลชัยอรัญญา ส, ฤทธิ์อยู่ อ. Use of fluoride tablets in primary schools after 4 years implementation. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];4(2):44-55. Available from:
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