Dental caries experience in 12 year olds children from provincial oral health surveys, Thailand.

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ศรีสุดา ลีละศิธร
ขนิษฐ์ รัตนรังสิมา


Provincial oral health surveys in Thailand have been conducted since 1983 by dental health personnel in each province, using the same standard criteria and the data was used for planning and evaluation for provincial oral health care program. The objective of this study were to review the provincial oral health survey in Thailand between 1983 to 1998, and to analyse the changing trend of dental caries experience in 12 year-old children. Data was retrieved from the report of data analysis, form Dental Health Division and survey reports from the provinces or the regional health promotion centers. The result showed that 94.7% of the provinces had conducted oral health survey. The average of mean dmft increased from 1.4 in 1989-1993 to 1.8 in 1994-1998. Increasing rate was found in all regions, with obviously in the North East. It was recommended that provincial oral health surveys should be conducted in the same period of time. All data should be gathered in central data bank for the benefit of national level planning.


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ลีละศิธร ศ, รัตนรังสิมา ข. Dental caries experience in 12 year olds children from provincial oral health surveys, Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1998 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(2):37-46. Available from:
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