Performance Evaluation of Dental nurses working in Health Centers, Lopburi province 1996.

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Sunee Wongkongkabheb et al


As a result of dental health policy in the seventh National Health Plan, one of the movements was to establish Primary Dental Care at subdistrict (Tambon) level by providing dental nurse to so-called "expanded health center" nationwide. For Lopburi, in 1996 there were 7 expanded health centers in 6 districts corresponded the project. The study was aimed to evaluate system supporting mechanism as well as actual performance of those dental nurses. A cross-sectional survey was designed to identify any opinion from people involved, which included themselves, district health officers, chief of health centers, and the clients (40 cases for one health center).It was unveiled that 70% of target group were newly graduated personnel, started career in health center. Their job volume on dental health compared to other functions was actually 70: 30. However, assigned standard performance in primary dental care was achieved except job of caries filling that being interrupted by some mechanical problems of dental chairs. For those involved, first, all of district health officers and chief of health centers expressed strong and positive support to the project. Second, the dental nurses themselves considered their own jobs interesting, but 3 of them still preferred hospital career afterwards. The last was 277 inhabitants in 7 subdistricts, of which 46.6% shared experience to dental service there, most were dental extraction (72.1%) The main reasons for that were easy-to-access and service satisfaction. On the other hand, among those without any experience, 57.5% responded as no information provided or unexpected office closed. In fact, mechanical malfunction of dental chairs and instruments was the main obstacle. Despite some weakness and managerial problems, the study has finally pointed out the necessity and acceptability to this policy from all people concerned.


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et al SW. Performance Evaluation of Dental nurses working in Health Centers, Lopburi province 1996. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];2(2):20-38. Available from:
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