Quality of Life in Dental Health Aspects of the Elderly.

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ประกล พิบูลย์โรจน์
วรางคณา เวชวิธี
ดาวเรือง แก้วขันตี
วิกุล วิสาลเสสถ์


The aimed of this study was 1) to survey the oral health status and quality of life in dental health aspects of the elderly in Elderly Clubs and Homes for the Aged and 2 ) to determine socio-economic and behavioral factors which were predictive of quality of life in dental health aspects. The total sample were 1113 subjects, age 60-75 years, 579 subjects were members of Elderly Clubs in Hospitals and 534 subjects were in governmental Homes for the Aged. The data were collected by oral health examination and using interview questionaires. The results showed that there are 30.6 % and 13.5 % of the elderly who had good quality of life in dental health aspects determined by having 20 or more functional teeth with no periodontal pockets >3 mm. or having good occlusion. It was found that 23.6% and 55.6 % of those who were in Elderly Clubs and Homes for the Aged need dentures to raise chewing ability. The elderly who had received dental care in the previous 2 years were 38.3 % from Elderly Clubs and 35.6 % from Homes for the Aged. The popular services received were 41% for pain relief and 23.4 % for dentures. Logistic regression was used to assess the corelation between quality of life in dental health aspects and all factors. It was found that only education , house-owner and toothbrushing can predictive quality of life in dental health aspects with statistically significance (p < 0.05 ). The finding of this study demonstrate poor quality of life in dental health aspects in both groups especially the elderly in Homes for the Aged. More coordinated efforts between social and dental care sector must be held to raise quality of life in dental health aspects of the elderly.


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พิบูลย์โรจน์ ป, เวชวิธี ว, แก้วขันตี ด, วิสาลเสสถ์ ว. Quality of Life in Dental Health Aspects of the Elderly. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];2(2):39-50. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/214448
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