Periodontal Status and the Relationship between Gingival Calculus and Bleeding on Probing in 12 year-old Thai Children.

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Suwin Wisuthisin
Chantana Ungchusak


The objectives of this study were to describe the epidemiology of periodental status and to test the relationship of gingival calculus and bleeding on probing among the 12-year-old Thai children. The samples of 2,801 were selected from 4 regions including Bangkok Metropolis by Stratified multistage cluster sampling technique, with proportional to size of the studied population. Community Periodontal Index (CPI) was used for recording periodontal status. The results showed that 23.17% of sextants were normal (CPI = 0), 17.88% were gingivitis (CPI = 1) and 58.22% were calculus (CPI = 2). When code 2 were added with absence (2-) or presence (2+) of gingival bleeding on probing, it was found that sextant given 2+ was significantly higher than 2- in the northeast region, and the sextant given 2- was significantly higher than 2+ in Bangkok Metropolis samples (p<0.05). Gingival bleeding on probing was also significantly difference among different site of sextants (p < 0.05). When Odds ratio was calculated to show the relationship between the presence of calculus and the gingival bleeding, it was found that sextant with calculus will have 1.64 times more chance to have gingivitis than the sextant without calculus, but no statistical significance was found. Thus, it cannot conclude by this study that the sextant with ginvival calculus will have more chance to have gingivitis than the sextant without gingival calculus.


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Wisuthisin S, Ungchusak C. Periodontal Status and the Relationship between Gingival Calculus and Bleeding on Probing in 12 year-old Thai Children. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];2(1):47-55. Available from:
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