Oral health promotion, oral health literacy, dental caries and quality of life among 12-year-old children, Klonglan district, Kamphangphet province

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Klitsanee Hengtrakunvenit
Kanokwan Pormchat
Ratsamee Phungpisan


This cross-sectional study aimed to study the relationship of the oral health literacy in terms of dental caries, oral health status and quality of life related to dental caries in 574 children aged 12 years old academic year 2519, Klonglan district, Kamphangphet province. Children were divided into 4 groups according to oral health promoting activities in school, tooth-brushing and diet control, tooth-brushing, diet control and no activities. Data were collected during November-December 2019 using personal information and health behavioral questionnaire, Oral health literacy, national oral health survey form and Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances during the past 3 month. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Tamhane’s T2 at 5% significance level (p<0.05)

Overall, the children had moderate oral health literacy. The mean DMFT was 0.75 teeth per person. 46.9% of them had the impacts on quality of life which the mean score was 2.22. Group 1 had the highest average scores of oral health literacy related to dental caries (73.0) statistically higher than other groups. Group 1 had DMFT (0.50/person) and condition-specific impacts on quality of life attributed to dental caries (1.37) statistically lower than group 4. Group 4 had highest difficulty in eating and control their emotion in the schools. Both regular tooth-brushing after lunch and controlling of carious risk food are needed to practice together in school.


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Hengtrakunvenit K, Pormchat K, Phungpisan R. Oral health promotion, oral health literacy, dental caries and quality of life among 12-year-old children, Klonglan district, Kamphangphet province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];25:27-40. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/242780
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