Spreading control on dental sealant procedure: a simulation study

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Sukanya Tianviwat
Songchai Thitasomakul


During corona virus 2019 outbreak, dental services including dental sealing had been postponed because of contaminated fluids, saliva, or aerosols spread causing potential risk on viral transmission. This experiment using a phantom head intended to investigate the spread of pumice and aerosol during 3 steps of tooth preparing for the pit-fissure sealing which were tooth-polishing with a low-speed handpiece, water-rinsing and air-drying. Reflective paint was mixed in pumice polishing paste for clearly observation when spreading. Mixture of artificial saliva and reflective paint was injected into the mouth to simulate salivary flow. The level of pumice and aerosol spreads were observed and the efficiency among 3 types of saliva evacuation which were high power suction (HPS) having dental assistant, low power suction with saliva ejector (SE) having dental assistant, and SS-suction (SS) having no dental assistant were compared. The experiment performed during May to June 2020. The pumice spread was not found after low speed tooth-polishing. HPS and SS could evacuate saliva and control the spread more efficiently than SE. SE having lower suction speed, caused water splattering during rinsing and drying. In post covid-19 era, dental sealant can be performed with low speed tooth-polishing and using HPS. In case of lacking dental assistant, SS could be used.


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Tianviwat S, Thitasomakul S. Spreading control on dental sealant procedure: a simulation study. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 12];25:60-71. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/243170
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