The effectiveness of dental public health activities in accordance with the guidelines of the six building blocks of health system among dental personnel in Ministry of Public Health hospitals, health region 12

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Somrit Jirojvanichakorn


A quantitative cross-sectional study aimed to determine the effectiveness of dental public health activities and opinions according to the six building blocks of the health system approach of dental public health personnel in 77 hospitals, 231 dental personnel under the Ministry of Public Health in health region 12 from 1 to 14 September 2021. An online self-administered questionnaire covering 4 parts: general information, the effectiveness of dental public health activities in the hospital, an opinion toward dental public health activities per the guidelines of the six building blocks of the health system, and suggestions. 61.4% of the study group had high effectiveness. According to chi-square test, the effectiveness of dental public health activities in the hospital related with gender (p-value=0.045), education level (p-value=0.021), workplace (p-value=0.027), and dental public health activities in accordance with the six building blocks of the health system which were service delivery (p-value=0.041), dental workforce (p-value=0.039), dental health information systems (p-value=0.042), and dental product and equipment (p-value=0.043). According to logistic regression analysis, the association factors were similar to the chi-square test as follows: service delivery (p-value=0.018), dental workforce (p-value=0.030), dental health information systems (p-value=0.048), and dental product and equipment (p-value=0.029). To conclude, opinions according to the six building blocks of the health system approach Influence the effectiveness of dental public health activities. Therefore, promoting and supervision to implement the six building blocks in dental public health work will increase the effectiveness of dental public health work.


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Jirojvanichakorn S. The effectiveness of dental public health activities in accordance with the guidelines of the six building blocks of health system among dental personnel in Ministry of Public Health hospitals, health region 12 . Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2023 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];28:147-60. available from:
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