Evaluation of the oral health promotion program for the Healthy Teeth Happy Life Network Sisaket municipality, Sisaket province (2011-2021)
Main Article Content
This study was to evaluate the oral health promotion program for the Healthy Teeth Happy Life Network, Sisaket municipality, Sisaket province, 2011-2021, in four domains: context, input, process, and product. The total of 99 key informants consisted of school administrators, school health teachers, other teachers, public health personnel, and municipal personnel. The data were collected through self-administration and documentary review. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were both used to analyze the quantitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. The results found that overall evaluation scores for each domain were at a good level. 1) Context: mean score of 4.15 (SD=0.819), the program principles conformed to public health and education policies. The program plan responded to the problems and needs of the schools. The objectives and strategies were appropriate. 2) Input: mean score of 4.07 (SD=0.759); the materials, budget, knowledge, and numbers of staff were adequate. Team members had potential for implementation. 3) Process: mean score of 4.10 (SD=0.729), the network had a clear action plan, participatory processes, and standard monitoring. 4) Product: mean score of 4.11 (SD=0.737) Students gained knowledge about oral health care. After-lunch tooth-brushing programs were regularly implemented. The caries prevalence among students in the network has decreased. At the 95% confidence level, there was no difference in key informant appraisal outcomes by gender, age, or work experience at 95% confidence. Occupation classification revealed significant variations in input and process domains (p-value<0.05).
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