The Transition to New State of the Complete Denture Experience

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Suwimon Boonprasert
Potjanart Srijai


This qualitative research aimed to study the transition to a new state of experience from the perspective of complete denture wearers. The in-depth interview with eleven key informants with complete denture-wearing experience for the first time and use dentures in daily life was conducted. The data was collected from October 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022. The information from the interview was compiled descriptively and used inductive analysis. Take the information and categorize it into various issues according to the content. Summary to interpret and find meaning from the researcher's perspective. Describe the data based on the transitional theory conceptual framework. The results showed behavior through the transition process as follows: a feeling of connection to dentures in daily life by learning to use dentures with their lifestyle diet, and wearing them regularly all day to feel like natural teeth. The positive interaction with their complete dentures and a constant commitment to the continuity of wearing dentures. When there is a problem with dentures, get advice from the dentist or denture wearers in the community. Developing confidence when wearers understand the nature of complete dentures, they have a suitable form of usage, and use dentures with mastery. Eventually, complete dentures become a part of life. Therefore, dentists should follow up after wearing dentures to give advice and empower them to overcome hard feelings during the adaptation period by describing the transition process, pointing out positive adaptive trends in individuals, and sharing what other denture wearers have experienced.


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Boonprasert S, Srijai P. The Transition to New State of the Complete Denture Experience. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2024 Nov. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];29:98-111. available from:
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