The use of silver diamine fluoride for root caries management in elders by the dental nurses: a scoping review

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Areerat Nirunsittirat
Boonyapohn Boonyasiwapong


The trend of root caries in elders has increased. The 9th Thai National Oral Health Survey (2023) shows untreated root caries in older elders at 35.5%, double the prevalence from the 8th survey (2017).          Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a clear liquid applied to prevent and arrest active root caries of permanent teeth. The application of SDF is an uncomplicated procedure that requires a minimal piece of equipment, is cost-effectiveness and can be used for caries management in community-based programs. The utilization of SDF by dental nurses emerges as a promising strategy to enhance access to root caries management. This scoping review aims to comprehensively review the management of root caries, the utilization of SDF as a caries management approach, and factors that influence the application of SDF by dental nurses. Six studies were included. As a result, SDF can be used for root caries management across settings, including dental clinics, nursing homes, and communities by a range of dental professionals such as dentists, dental nurses, and dental students. In conclusion, due to its uncomplicated procedure and high efficacy for arresting caries, SDF could be used by dental nurses for root caries management within their scope of treatment, given their abilities, the availability of the solution, and acceptance from patients and dental professionals. This would promote knowledge and confidence among dental nurses in using SDF. The use of SDF by dental nurses in primary care settings could be another option for root caries management in elders.


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How to Cite
Nirunsittirat A, Boonyasiwapong B. The use of silver diamine fluoride for root caries management in elders by the dental nurses: a scoping review. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2024 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];29:130-45. available from:
Review Article


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