Screening for Amblyopia and Refractive error in Grade 1 School Children in Bangkok Noi Area



Keywords: Amblyopia, Refractive Error, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, Ganglion Cell-Inner Plexiform Layer thickness


Objective: To study the prevalence of amblyopia and common ocular diseases including refractive error, color vision deficiency, strabismus. Also, to study the normative data of keratometric value, retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) thickness in grade 1 school children in Bangkok Noi area.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in grade 1 children of 15 schools in Bangkok Noi area. All students were screened according to the standard protocol i.e., visual acuity, color vision, auto refraction and keratometry by autorefractor, subjective refraction, strabismus evaluation by prism alternate cover test, RNFL and GCIPL thickness by Optical coherence tomography.

Results: 386 students were screened. The prevalence of amblyopia was 63. Causes of amblyopia were categorized into strabismus in 4 and refractive error in 59. The prevalence of refractive error, strabismus and color vision deficiency were 61, 13 and 14, respectively. Mean visual acuity was 6/9 (3/60-6/6) on right eye and 6/9 (5/60-6/6) on left eye. Mean keratometric value was 43.8±1.4 (39.0-47.5D) on right eye and 43.8±1.4 (38.8-47.8D) on left eye. Mean RNFL thickness was 103.6±9.5 (67-130µm) on right eye and 102.9±9.1 (63-127µm) on left eye. And mean GCIPL thickness was 86.9±5.1 (73-103µm) on right eye and 86.4±5.2 (71-104µm) on left eye.

Conclusion: Prevalence of amblyopia in grade 1 school children in Bangkok Noi area was moderate and the most common ocular disease was refractive error. Keratometric value, RNFL and GCIPL thickness in grade 1 school children were in normal range compare to adult.


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