The Use of Ligating Clips (Liga Clips®) to Control Massive Presacral Venous Bleeding


  • Paiboon Jivapaisarnpong Division of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Rajavithi Hospital, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand


Ligating clips, Liga clips, vascular clip, massive presacral venous bleeding, pelvic packing


Background: Massive presacral venous bleeding is a serious complication that the hemostatic methods
commonly performed may be ineffective. The author presents the use of the ligating clips , another method,
in controlling massive presacral venous bleeding in failure cases from many hemostatic methods.
Method: During the 5 year period of 2001-2005, there were 142 pelvic surgical cases. Most of them were
malignancy and the common procedure performed was low anterior resection. There were 3 cases of massive
presacral venous bleeding that could not be controlled by conventional hemostatic methods. These cases were
recurrence cancer of rectum, advanced rectal cancer with liver cirrhosis and huge retrorectal tumor.
Result: There were 3 patients who failed from previous operation in attempt to control bleeding by
electric cautery, argon plasma coagulator, muscle welding technique and finally pelvic packing. All of them were
successfully controlled by ligating clip. There were no postoperative bleedings or infections, and no further
blood transfusion was needed.
Conclusion: Ligating clips, a basic instrument available in all hospitals, is effective in controlling
massive presacral venous bleeding.


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How to Cite

Jivapaisarnpong P. The Use of Ligating Clips (Liga Clips®) to Control Massive Presacral Venous Bleeding. Thai J Surg [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];30(1-2). Available from:



Case Reports