The Comparison of Leader Traits and Leadership Effectiveness Between Thai and Chinese-Thai Managers

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Tanapoom Ativetin


               This study aimed to compare the traits of Thai and Chinese-Thai managers in terms of leadership and their associations with leadership effectiveness. Leader traits of interest in this study are drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, job-relevant knowledge and extraversion. Leadership effectiveness implied the effectiveness of management, i.e., subordinate’s punctuality, non-absence from work, work effort, work standard accomplishment, work quality accomplishment, job satisfaction, and cooperation with colleagues. Research samples consisted of 57 Thai managers and 87 Chinese-Thai managers collected by questionnaires. The results found that Thai and Chinese-Thai managers significantly have different leader traits in terms of desire to lead, self-confidence, and intelligence. Their leadership effectiveness significantly differs in the aspects of subordinates’ work effort, work quality accomplishment, job satisfaction, and cooperation with colleagues. ‘Honesty and integrity’ is the most important trait that affected most of the leadership effectiveness for both Thai and Chinese-Thai managers.

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บทความ : International