Indicators of Quality Classroom Management for Happy Learning of Students in Secondary School บทนำ: ;วัตถุประสงค์และวิธีดำเนินการวิจัย: สรุปและอภิปรายผล: ข้อเสนอแนะ: เอกสารอ้างอิง
Main Article Content
The research aimed to study the indicators of the quality classroom management for happy learning of the secondary school students. The research was conducted in three states. Stage one synthesized the components and indicators based on documentary study and an interview of experts. Seven experts examined and validated the content of components and indicators. Stage two evaluated the indicators and presented them to seven experts to evaluated suitability and possibility. They were then analyzed to find means, standard deviation of each indicator. The indicators were then corrected based on the recommendations by experts. Stage three analyzed confirmatory components of indicators. The samples were 500 teachers of the secondary schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29. They were derived by a multistage random sampling. The research instruments were an interview, an evaluation, and an indicator verification form Statistics were means, standard deviation and an analysis of confirmatory components.
The research findings were as follows.
1) The quality classroom management consisted of the following: 1) classroom management comprised (1) classroom atmosphere with 20 indicators and (2) a teacher’s characteristics with 20 indicators; 2) learning management consisted of the following: (1) suitability of the lesson with 8 indicators, (2) learning and teaching activity with 10 indicators, (3) learning and teaching media with 12 indicators, (4) measurement and evaluation with 5 indicators.
2) The indicators were found to be suitable and possible at the highest level (= 4.72, 4.59). Considering individual issues, the classroom management was suitable and possible at the highest level (
= 4.85, 4.61). Learning management were suitable and possible at the highest level (
= 4.91, 4.74) 3). It was also found that the model in measuring the quality classroom management was in conformity with empirical data withc2=2156.369, df= 1672, p = .056, CFI = 0.996, TLI = 0.990, RMSEA = 0.033, SRMR = 0.035 และ c2/ df = 1.289.
Article Details
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