Key Factors Affecting Citrus Production in Chhukha District of Bhutan

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Lhachola .
Cherdpong Kheerajit
Rapee Dokmaithes
Lop Phavaphutanon


                This study aimed to identify the key factors affecting citrus production in the district and recommend interventions to enhance production. Primary data were obtained from 99 households exclusively of citrus growers and eight extension workers using semi structured interview form. Results of the growers indicated lack of key management practices namely chemical fertilizer application, irrigation practices and non-use of plant protection chemicals against the important pests and diseases and steep orchard topography as the key factors. Extension workers’ perspectives showed consistent results where the lack of fertilizer use irrigation practice, pest and disease control practices and the steep orchard topography as the key factors. In addition, all of extension agents claimed citrus greening was the principle cause of citrus quick decline. Citrus greening was part of the problem; productions were easily overwhelmed by fruit fly; trunk borer; powdery mildew and old orchards. Practical education programs through study tours, field days, demonstrations and trainings are necessary to enhance knowledge and skills of extension agents and the farmers. Signature intervention and approaches of central authorities are required to guide extension services related to choice of right promotion and adoption of technologies and changing the perception of clients about the sustainable and productive livelihood practices on citriculture.

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บทความ : International