Review Articles

Include the following information:
  • Full title of the manuscript
  • Authors’ names (first and last names, middle initial when commonly used by that author)
  • Institutional affiliation for each author (use super-scripted numbers after each author’s name)
  • Corresponding author:First and last names, middle initial when commonly used by that author; Address and Email:
The essential information from the article should concisely and specifically describe why the article was reviewed, and what the authors conclude or recommend from the review.
Keywords are significant words in medical indexing. They are useful as a tool when researching for paper information from lists of medical journals.
State the objectives of the review clearly and concisely, and provide a context for the review by referring judiciously to previous work in the area. Do not attempt to present a comprehensive review of the field. Provide a statement about the significance of this review for understanding and/or treating the concerned disease.
Descriptive information provided in figure legends need not be repeated in the text; use the text, however, to describe key features of the figures. When appropriate, give sample numbers, the range and standard deviation (or mean error) of measurements, and significance values for compared populations.
Conclusions should be supported by the data obtained in the reported study; avoid speculation not warranted by experimental results, and label speculation clearly.
Conflicts of Interest: Because the essence of review articles is selection and interpretation of the literature, the Journal expects that the authors of such articles will not have significant financial associations with a company (or its competitor) that makes a product discussed in the article.
Acknowledgements All acknowledgements including financial support should be mentioned under the heading "acknowledgements" and not as footnotes on the first page or in the text.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. In manuscript, please number the cited references in chronological order and superscript them at the end of sentence. All references cited in the text (including those included in figure legends and tables) should be listed References.
Start the References on a separate page, and arrange citations in chronological order so that they will be in sequence with references cited in the text. List all authors when there are three or fewer; when there are four or more, list the first three, followed by "et al.", title of the article, journal name (in italics - use PubMed abbreviations), year of publication (followed by a semicolon), volume number (followed by a colon) and pages (first - last page numbers). Reference to electronic material should include author name(s), date, article title, and journal (as above); where volume and/or page numbers are not available, substitute Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Numbered references to personal communication, unpublished data, or manuscripts either "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" are unacceptable. If essential, such material can be incorporated at the appropriate place in the text.
The following are sample references:
  • Saengpattrachai M, Srinualta D, Lorlertratna N, et al. Public familiarity with, knowledge of, and predictors of negative attitudes toward epilepsy in Thailand. Epilepsy Behav2010;17:487-505.
  • Saengpattrachai M, Sharma R, Hunjan A, et al. Nonconvulsive seizures in the pediatric intensive care unit: etiology, EEG, and brain imaging findings. Epilepsia2006;47:1510-8.
  • Treiman DM, Delgado-Escueda AV. Status epilepticus. In: Thompson RA, Green RA, Green JR,eds. Critical Care of Neurological and Neurosurgical Emergencies. New York: Raven, 1980:53-99.
  • Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Grammer-Strawn LM, et al. CDC growth charts: United States. Advancedata from vital and health statistics. No. 314. Hyattsville, Md.: National Center for Health Statistics, 2000. (DHHS publication no. (PHS) 2000-1250 0-0431.)