Determination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Status in Vegan and Non-Vegan Thais by Assessment of Homocysteine Level

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Sant Chaiyodsilp, MD
Sirada Phuriwattanapong, MD
Weerapong Chaiyaphak, MD
Somwong Chaiyodsilp, MD
Phasuk Pruisart, MSc


OBJECTIVES: To determine vitamin B12 status, by using level of serum homocysteine, in three adult groups consisting of one hundred participants in each: (1) non-vegan; (2) ordinary vegan who consume vegan diets for less than twenty years; (3) high risk vegan who consume vegan diets for more than twenty years or those over 65 years old or those who have signs or symptoms suggesting vitamin B12 deficiency.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a descriptive cross sectional study designed to determine homocysteine level of the total 300 participants in vegan and non-vegan Thais performed in October 2018. The study used a Chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) by Architec machine to determine their blood homocysteine level. Their level of homocysteine then was analyzed and compared with each other.

 RESULTS: 300 Thai participants(105 males & 195 females)  included in this study were 100 of non-vegans, 100 of ordinary vegans and 100 of high risk vegans. Among 100 non-vegans, there was only one (1%) who had high homocysteine level(more than 15.4 Umol/L.).  Among 100 ordinary vegans, fifty two (52%) had high homocysteine level while among 100 of high risk vegans, seventy of them (70%) had high homocysteine level. 

CONCLUSION: Vegan Thais have a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency as reflected in accumulation of their homocysteine in comparison with non vegans (p 0.001). We recommend that all strict Thai vegans should take vitamin B12 supplement regularly. The dosage recommended by the American Vegetarian Medical Association is 50-100 microgram per day or 500-1,000 microgram per week.

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How to Cite
Chaiyodsilp, MD S, Phuriwattanapong, MD S, Chaiyaphak, MD W, Chaiyodsilp, MD S, Pruisart, MSc P. Determination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Status in Vegan and Non-Vegan Thais by Assessment of Homocysteine Level. BKK Med J [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];17(1):15-9. Available from:
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