Infection control for the Reduction of Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI)

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Paithoon Boonma, MD
Sonchai Hiranniramol, MD
Wilai Aiumpatoomsak, RN
Poonrut Leeyatikun, RN
Arisara Suwanarit, RN


OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this research was to reduce rate of CRBSI at Bangkok Hospital by using 2002 CDC evidence-based guidelines as a preventive of CRBSI.1

MATERIALS AND METHODS. A target surveillance on CRBSI was conducted in all 4 adult intensive care units at the Bangkok Hospital. The findings were compared with the CDC recommendations. Then we set up a multidisciplinary patient-care project team who applied the CDC guidelines in order to work towards the reduction and eventual prevention of CRBSI’s in our hospital.

RESULTS. The reduction of CRBSI incidence was observed to be sustainable after the new guidelines were implemented in October 2004. The rate of CRBSI incidence reduced gradually especially in the year of 2010. It approached to zero per 1000 catheter-day.

CONCLUSION. Nowadays, all healthcare personnel must take responsibility for preventing nosocomial infection. We has demon- trated that our multidisciplinary team can reduce the infection rates sC

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How to Cite
Boonma P, Hiranniramol S, Aiumpatoomsak W, Leeyatikun P, Suwanarit A. Infection control for the Reduction of Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI). BKK Med J [internet]. 2012 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];3(1):1. available from:
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