Comparison of Workflow Efficiency between Computed Radiography (CR) system and Wireless Flat-Panel Digital Radiography (DR) system for Checkup Chest PA examination.

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Chirotchana Suchato, MD
Peerasak Panphet, RT
Kedsuda Thansup, RT
Chulathip Boonma


OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the workflow efficiency between CR vs. wireless flat-panel DR systems for routine checkup Chest posterior- anterior (PA) erect position examinations.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. On routine checkup Chest PA view erect position. The work flow steps of CR and wireless flat- panel DR system were identified, including examination preparation, patient positioning, exposure, post-acquisition processing and total examination time were recorded. We only included post-acquisition processing time because time from exposure to appearance of imaging is relatively fixed.

RESULTS. A total of 476 patients were examined (CR, n = 244; DR, n = 232). The total time of procedure for CR system was 86.2- 96.2 seconds. For the DR system it was 17.6-19.5 seconds.

CONCLUSION. Workflow efficiency of DR system is better than CR system in routine chest examination. Modern radiologic departments require a DR system.

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How to Cite
Suchato C, Panphet P, Thansup K, Boonma C. Comparison of Workflow Efficiency between Computed Radiography (CR) system and Wireless Flat-Panel Digital Radiography (DR) system for Checkup Chest PA examination. BKK Med J [internet]. 2012 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];3(1):7. available from:
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