Using the PROMISe Model for Health Behavior Changes of participants in Weight and Disease Reduction Programs

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Phorntip Layanun, RN, PhD


OBJECTIVE. 1. To study the benefits of using the PROMISe model to work towards sustainable “3-Self” Health behavior changes (selfefficacy, self-regulation and self-care) in a Weight and Disease Reduction program conducted at Lerdsin Hospital. 2. To study the relationship between the 6 factors of the PROMISe model (P = Positive reinforcement, R = Results based management, O = Optimism, M = Motivation, I = Individual or Client Centered and Se = Self-esteem) and the 3-Self Health Behaviors Changes in 3 areas, namely Dieting, Exercising, and Emotional control.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. This was a Cross-sectional study. The research was divided into two parts. Total of 302 people participated in the first part of this research and 173 people participated in the second part. The data used for descriptive statistical analysis came from program evaluations, health examination reports, and questionnaires completed by all participants in both phases.

RESULTS. The results showed the relationship between the 3-Self health behaviors, BMI value and satisfaction after finishing the program and 6 months later. The PROMISe model did indeed influence the sustainability of the 3-Health Behavior changes, and subsequent weight loss. The most influential factors of the PROMISe model were result-based management, positive reinforcement, and optimism.

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How to Cite
Layanun P. Using the PROMISe Model for Health Behavior Changes of participants in Weight and Disease Reduction Programs. BKK Med J [internet]. 2012 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];3(1):34. available from:
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